From the village of nothing much
Let's get sleepy
Bedtime stories are like a soft landing spot for your mind. Rather than letting your brain race through the same thoughts you’ve been chasing all day, we are taking a detour to a calm and comfy place. We tell the story twice and go a bit slower the second time. Each week, we support a meaningful non-profit organization. Explore the causes we've contributed to in past episodes.
Unwind in mind and body with the Quiet Mind x Nothing Much Happens Weighted Pillow! Hug, hold, and relax deeply as you listen.
Magic Words
Our story tonight is called Magic Words and it’s a story about a trip into town on summer morning. It’s also about the scent of fresh-cut lumber, a dog biscuit buried in the flower beds, how a moment at the start of the day can alter your path, and something in a shop window that catches your eye.
The Waves at Night
Our story tonight is called The Waves at Night and it’s a continuation of last week’s story, still set at the cottage on a warm day. It’s also about poppies blooming by the roadside, a journal waiting beside the glider on the porch, and sleeping with the windows open as the waves roll in on the beach.
A Day At The Cottage
Our story tonight is called A Day at the Cottage and it’s a story about settling back into a beloved place as the weather warms up. It’s also about a cupboard full of old dishes that have served meals for decades, a stack of magazines to flip through from the lounge chair, and a love for hand-me-downs and the memories they carry.